Endre's Personal Log

PostNord application (UX and UI)

Project description

The main task was to improve the existing PostNord smartphone application. The project’s scope was to find a solution to the tracking of any kind of deliveries with the help of a digital concept and develop the actual application with other technology from PostNord supposed toolset.

Table of Contents

Used tools and methods

  • Project management
  • UX design
  • Desktop research and analysis
  • Redesign of application elements
  • Technological addition and improvement (GPS)
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe XD
  • Adobe Illustrator

Research and data analyzing

I revealed with my research, that the official postal service in Denmark struggle with tracking of the regular mail, moreover in the case of parcels and packages. I was very curious for the users point of view, reviews and opinions. I hoped these opinions will helped localizing the root of the problem. That’s why that our focus group became the users of the PostNord application.

After I realized the possibility of issues with the application I conducted an extensive research based on Google Play and
other online forums about PostNord application

....I conducted an extensive research...

User customer journey without tracking. The delivery is disappear (black box effect). That was the case before my development.

After the development process the user journey and the whole user experience drastically improved.

The whole customer journey after the development of the digital concept when the customer can track the deliveries. Seems like more complex, more steps you need to use but the practical usage it has become easier.

This figure is also can help to understand how the GPS tracking works.

Modified UI and improved technological background

An advanced app tracking system improves user satisfaction and integrates tracking of every delivery type. We need to use tracking all (for the regular mails as well) of the application as a choice which applicable by the users. The customers have to registering or adding the sending point (postbox or service point) and the information of final destination about the delivery. The tracking is working with any PostNord vehicle that are equipped with GPS systems. After then the vehicle arrive near the destination on the parcel the application send automatized push message or SMS for user. The application can use the user-uploaded data for identify the address. The postman has no extra task beyond the delivery.

An advanced app tracking system improves user satisfaction and integrates tracking of every delivery type.

From left to right:
1) The modified welcome screen in application with the option of regular mail tracking
2) 3) The legacy parcel information screens

The new Add mail screen and the Profile screen with extra functionality serving the mail tracking system. When the users put their mail into the postbox or posted at the service point they have to be filled these fields. Then there will be the exact tracking information from the start of delivery because the system will use the GPS system in the background. The application also can stored mobile numbers and e-mail addresses. If a customer often use a postbox or an address then he can select it here.

From left to right:
1) The new Add mail screen for the possibility of mail tracking
2) Profile screen with extra Destination fields